Traditional | Roth | Coverdell ESA | HSA | 401(k) | SIMPLE | SEP

Click each plan name for more information.

Traditional IRA*

Plan Types2024Deadline2025Deadline
Regular Limit**$7,000April 15, 2025$7,000April 15, 2026
Age 50 and Older Catch-Up Limit$1,000April 15, 2025$1,000April 15, 2026
* If you have Traditional and Roth IRAs or more than one Traditional IRA, your total maximum contribution to all IRAs is $7,000 (2024 or 2025), plus $1,000 if you are 50 or older.
** Or 100% or earned income up to $7,000 (2024 or 2025), plus $1,000 if you are 50 or older.

AGI TAX DEDUCTION PHASE-OUTSEarned Income 20242024 DeadlineEarned Income 20252025 DeadlineDeduction Limit
Married Joint Return: Spouse making contribution is covered by workplace retirement planUp to $123,000April 15, 2025Up to $126,000April 15, 2026Full
Between $116,000 – $136,000April 15, 2025Between $126,000 – $146,000April 15, 2026Partial
Over $136,000April 15, 2025Over $146,000 April 15, 2026None
Married Separate Returns: Taxpayers covered by workplace retirement plans.Up to $10,000April 15, 2025Up to $10,000April 15, 2026Partial
Over $10,000April 15, 2025Over $10,000April 15, 2026None
Married taxpayer not covered by workplace retirement plan married to someone who is.Up to $230,000April 15, 2025Up to $236,000April 15, 2026Full
Between $218,000 – $228,000April 15, 2025Between $236,000 – $246,000April 15, 2026Partial
Over $228,000April 15, 2025Over $246,000April 15, 2026None
Unmarried: Covered by workplace retirement planUp to $77,000April 15, 2025Up to $79,000April 15, 2026Full
Between $73,000 – $83,000April 15, 2025Between $79,000 – $89,000April 15, 2026Partial
Over $83,000April 15, 2025Over $89,000April 15, 2026None
Unmarried: NOT Covered by workplace retirement planUp to $146,000April 15, 2025Up to $150,000April 15, 2026Full
Between $138,000-$153,000April 15, 2025Between $150,000 – $165,000April 15, 2026Partial
Over $153,000April 15, 2025Over $165,000April 15, 2026None

Roth IRA*

Plan Types2024Deadline2025Deadline
Regular Limit**$7,000April 15, 2025$7,000April 15, 2026
Age 50 and Older Catch-Up Limit$1,000April 15, 2025$1,000April 15, 2026
* If you have Traditional and Roth IRAs or more than one Traditional IRA, your total maximum contribution to all IRAs is $7,000 (2024 or 2025), plus $1,000 if you are 50 or older.
** Or 100% or earned income up to $7,000 (2024 or 2025), plus $1,000 if you are 50 or older.
AGI TAX CONTRIBUTION PHASE-OUTSEarned Income 20242024 DeadlineEarned Income 20252025 DeadlineContribution Limit
Married Joint ReturnUp to $230,000April 15, 2025Up to $236,000April 15, 2026Full
Between $218,000-$228,000April 15, 2025Between $236,000-$246,000April 15, 2026Partial
Over $228,000April 15, 2025Over $246,000April 15, 2026None
Married Filing SeparatelyUp to $10,000April 15, 2025Up to $10,000April 15, 2026Partial
Over $10,000April 15, 2025Over $10,000April 15, 2026None
UnmarriedUp to $146,000April 15, 2025Up to $150,000April 15, 2026Full
Between $138,000-$153,000April 15, 2025Between $150,000-$165,000April 15, 2026Partial
Over $153,000April 15, 2025Over $165,000April 15, 2026None

Coverdell ESA

Plan Types2024Deadline2025Deadline
Contribution Limit (per beneficiary)***$2,000April 15, 2025$2,000April 15, 2026
Unmarried with AGI of $95,000 or belowFullApril 15, 2025FullApril 15, 2026
Joint filers with AGI of $190,000 or belowFullApril 15, 2025FullApril 15, 2026
Unmarried with AGI between $95,000 – $110,000PartialApril 15, 2025PartialApril 15, 2026
Joint filers with AGI between $190,000 – $220,000PartialApril 15, 2025PartialApril 15, 2026
Unmarried with of $110,000 and aboveNoneApril 15, 2025NoneApril 15, 2026
Joint filers with AGI of $220,00 and aboveNoneApril 15, 2025NoneApril 15, 2026
*** Companies may contribute to ESA’s (no income limit).


Plan Types2024Deadline2025Deadline
Maximum Contribution
Self-Only Coverage
$4,150April 15, 2025$4,300April 15, 2026
Maximum Contribution
Family Coverage
$8,300April 15, 2025$8,550April 15, 2026
Age 55 Catch-Up Limit****$1,000April 15, 2025$1,000April 15, 2026
HDHP Minimum Annual Deductible
Self-Only Coverage
$1,600April 15, 2025$1,650April 15, 2026
HDHP Minimum Annual Deductible
Family Coverage
$3,200April 15, 2025$3,300April 15, 2026
HDHP Maximum Out of Pocket
Self-Only Coverage
$8,050April 15, 2025$8,300April 15, 2026
HDHP Maximum Out of Pocket
Family Coverage
$16,100April 15, 2025$16,600April 15, 2026
**** If more than 1 person in the Family Plan is over 55 an additional account is required to make catch-up contribution.


Plan Types2024Deadline2025Deadline
Elective Deferral Limit$23,000Deferred from last paycheck or December 31, 2024$23,500Deferred from last paycheck or December 31, 2025
Age 50 Catch-Up Limit$7,500Deferred from last paycheck or December 31, 2024$7,500Deferred from last paycheck or December 31, 2025
Defined contribution maximum deferral
(employer/employee combined)
$69,000April 15, 2025 or October 15, 2025 with extension$70,000April 15, 2026 or October 15, 2026 with extension


Plan Types2024Deadline2025Deadline
Elective Deferral Limit$16,000Deferred from last paycheck or December 31, 2024$16,500Deferred from last paycheck or December 31, 2025
Age 50 Catch-Up Limit$3,500Deferred from last paycheck or December 31, 2024$3,500Deferred from last paycheck or December 31, 2025
Limitation on Compensation$345,000N/A$350,000N/A


Plan Types2024Deadline2025Deadline
Defined contribution maximum deferral
(employer/employee combined)
$69,000April 15, 2025$70,000April 15, 2026
Limitation on Compensation$345,000N/A$350,000N/A
Minimum Compensation$750N/A$750N/A

* If you have Traditional and Roth IRAs or more than one Traditional IRA, your total maximum contribution to all IRAs is $7,000 (2024 or 2025), plus $1,000 if you are 50 or older.

** Or 100% or earned income up to $7,000 (2024 or 2025), plus $1,000 if you are 50 or older.

*** Companies may contribute to ESA’s (no income limit).

**** If more than 1 person in the Family Plan is over 55 an additional account is required to make catch-up contribution.