Insurance premiums traditionally produce stable, predictable revenue for Carriers. Within the types of insurance lines, Worker’s Compensation and General/Professional Liability policies represent the low volatility, long-term premium revenue end of the spectrum. In today’s market these low-risk lines are underserved, offering excellent growth prospects for a new Carrier – translating into solid returns for investors.

Join Avid Insurance Company CEO Craig Berger to discuss plans for its newly acquired insurance carrier, and learn:
• How today’s Insurance Carriers build revenue, operate, and generate profit
• Why the level of underwritten risks differs by lines of insurance
• What a portfolio of lower risk coverage lines looks like and how it performs
• How unsecured notes used to build reserves fuels premium growth and can produce a 3:1 revenue for a Carrier
• Why new premium revenue growth, required reserves, and insurance licenses act as underlying security for investors
This is an excellent chance to see how a traditional industry can offer a new investment opportunity.