Bryan Ellis the host of Self-Directed Investor Talk, a very popular podcast and radio show discusses self-directed accounts. These accounts are far more than just a way to invest in alternative assets rather than stocks or bonds. By constantly coming up with astoundingly creative ways to use self-directed IRA’s and 401(k)’s, self-directed investors can protect…
In this webinar Carl Fischer of CamaPlan discusses self-directed IRA’s and Checkbook IRA/LLC’s with Attorney Wayne P. Kerr, C.P.A., Esq., L.L.M. and Elizabeth Cummings C.P.A.
We discuss the difference between a self-directed IRA and self-directed 401(k) with Marc Halpern. Marc started Part Time Investors LLC, he presents valuable technical content with zero-hype in all of his presentations and blog posts, including the advantages AND disadvantages of every investment strategy discussed. He has a Ph.D. in organic chemistry and makes decisions…
Self-Directed Investing Toolkit
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5 Minutes to Understanding Self-Direction
Special Report #1
20 Ways to Fund a Real Estate Investment With Your IRA
Special Report #2
Better than Gold: The PMC Ounce Report
Special Report #3
The Secrets to Real Estate Buys, Flips and Holds in Your IRA